Saturday, June 26, 2010

Windows 7 paint is awesome!!!!!

I was instructed to do some paintings again.
This is the class name list and attendants of 2nd ANNUAL GATHERING @ Templer Park

Blue-31+1(yongsheng) , red-15
Blue - "I'm sure I will go and arrive on time that day!!"

Red -"I'm very sorry I can't attend that day and I have my own reasons."

White-"I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting my friends to join, can you ask me later??"


Those who are red have something to say,

9. Shelly : "I have exams la, I need to study, you guys have fun, muacks...."

16. Xiaojia : "I'm working at Malacca. I need money. muax....."

37. Quek : "I love Korea and SNSD more than I can say~~~~"

39. Hokit : "There's no holiday for Singapore that time!!!!!!!!!!!"

42. Bulu : "huh...."

43. Woeishin: "what!!!!!!!!"

Other Important Details:

The gathering date is 3/7/2010!!

If u need a driver, gather at Mutiara bus stop before 8.00AM

If u think u can drive there, gather at templer's park parking site at 8.30AM.

If u think u will get wet, bring extra clothing.

Bring foods and utensils (e.g spoon, fork, plate, teapot, microwave etc) for lunch during our picnic

We'll call fast food from Tzuying's house for dinner.

There's mamak near Templer?

***Give your names to Jenny Cang if u can volunteer to fetch from Mutiara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

our mission and objective: meet old friends, farewell for those who will be flying soon..

Further info about Templer's Park, contact those who live there, Tzuying (012-xxxxx), JSsoh(012-xxxxx) or Bingshen(012-xxxxx)


Yogurt said...

Wah I didn't know templer park waterfall so nice de wor!!!! Haha microwave.. Bring liao also no socket to use la..
Looking forward for that day to come!!!!!

small bite said...

=( not that i want the money and cant leave my job here la, i cant leave my mother. i'm sort of replacing her foreign workers who went back to indon. if my mum allowed, i might drive back early in the morning on the 3rd

yijiun仪君 said...

thanks, u so much...
dear boys and girls,c u all soon ^^

tofu said...

hey i need transport!! i'll be waiting at it's 8am at mutiara?

Wall Lights said...

nice posting keep blogging,

champions league tickets said...

nice post. Yes Paint is awesome in Windows 7. I am enjoying it.