The 2 teams in action.
Adding water to the mixture.
A great big smile. (From the left: Mei Yi, Zhi Ying, and Xiao Jia)
Jia Nee's surely enjoying but Jia Shing is in doubt.
Now it's Jia Shing's turn to be smiling and Jia Nee's looking shocked? lol.
In action.
Flour-ed up hands. XD
Again, in action.
Rolling here and there in a bowl~
Someone flashing the camera man a "smile"~
I doubt that he followed me just to help me hold my bag. lol
Jia Nee's working hard on the mixture.
Is it ready yet?
Roll it again and again, kneading, pressing, and adding water too.
Wow, look!
A chapatty~ ^^
Still working on the mixture?
From the chapatty roller's view. (Jia Shing and Mint Lii)
Examining the final product. "Is anything wrong?" lol
Sneaking up from behind just to see the chapatty.
And now, an exclusive video featuring Jia Nee's team in action. XD
The Youtube version is below...
That's all for today folks! See you again next time when there's more action happening involving the 5sZhong-ers.
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